ChatGPT Development Services

ChatGPT Development Services

ChatGPT Development Services

Make OpenAI's ChatGPT work for your business even more efficiently: explore ChatGPT development services by Onilab. Build custom ChatGPT-powered solutions with our ML/DL/NLP developers to automate business processes, enhance customer service, and drive more quality marketing content.

What Is Custom ChatGPT Development?

ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) definitely made a splash. Thanks to an advanced neural network architecture and vast training data, it's getting better and better at creating, summarizing, and translating content, analyzing data, and interacting in a natural conversational way. So much so that businesses are actively trying to harness the power of generative AI to streamline their processes.

Here, custom ChatGPT development solutions come into play. OpenAI allows us to integrate ChatGPT with third-party systems via APIs and fine-tune some of its models (conduct additional training). By training AI models to handle the company's data and adding custom logic, a professional development company can build applications geared for specific workflows.

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ChatGPT Development Services

Automate customer service tasks and document processing. Accelerate content generation and translation. Set recommendation and email marketing systems. Create custom chatbots, translators, voice assistants, etc.

These and many other ideas are feasible when you join forces with a ChatGPT applications development company. We know how to deal with both proprietary and open-source generative AI models.

  • ChatGPT Consulting Services
    Each organization has unique business needs and processes requiring a personalized approach. Don't act blindfolded; use our expertise. Onilab's consulting services help ideate how to implement ChatGPT or other AI models for particular use cases with a maximized effect. With numerous possible solutions, it's crucial to first explore the intricacies of your business, core requirements, budget aspects, and other nuances.
  • Custom OpenAI Model Development
    To tailor ChatGPT-3/3.5/4 (LLMs) and other OpenAI products (DALL·E for image generation, Whisper for speech recognition, or CLIP for image recognition) to a particular business, we connect them with the company data. To do so, we develop highly customized solutions at the intersection of the OpenAI models and the company's systems. As a result, AI tools start producing far more business-specific output than the generally available models.
  • ChatGPT Application Development
    Based on ChatGPT or another AI model, we can create handy custom apps designed for different teams and their tasks. It can take the form of a content creation tool, chatbot, or data analysis platform with a well-thought-out interface and feature set. Apart from ML staff, building such a product involves all classic web dev stages: UX research, UI/UX design, development, QA, and deployment.
  • Chatbot Development
    Advanced machine learning, deep learning, natural language understanding, and natural language processing made ChatGPT an order of magnitude more potent than the previous generation of AI tools that often failed to deliver quality conversational experiences. Now, when we can tap into the possibilities of large language models, it's truly high time to build customer service chatbots for eCommerce, healthcare, finance, and other domains. We'll design a user-friendly interface and integrate your data to really address what customers ask.
  • ChatGPT Integration Services
    There are many ways to connect your existing product, be it a mobile app, website, or internal business platform, with ChatGPT and other OpenAI tools. We'll craft an optimal configuration to reinforce your operations with AI: automate workflows, enhance customer engagement, and so forth.
  • Voice Assistant Development
    Even such an exclusive product as a voice assistant is now more achievable development-wise and more reasonable to invest in. Using GPT-3 or 4, Whisper, a text-to-speech system, and some more tech, our developers can create a solution facilitating search, translation, task management, and other processes either for the employees or customers.
  • Support & Maintenance
    After the app is made or the AI integration is deployed, our cooperation can continue. We handle ongoing tasks like training models on new data, connecting new databases, optimizations, upgrades, troubleshooting, and so on. With our support and maintenance services, be sure your GPT-powered solutions perform in the best possible way.

Automate customer service tasks and document processing. Accelerate content generation and translation. Set recommendation and email marketing systems. Create custom chatbots, translators, voice assistants, etc.

These and many other ideas are feasible when you join forces with a ChatGPT applications development company. We know how to deal with both proprietary and open-source generative AI models.

ChatGPT Consulting Services

Each organization has unique business needs and processes requiring a personalized approach. Don't act blindfolded; use our expertise. Onilab's consulting services help ideate how to implement ChatGPT or other AI models for particular use cases with a maximized effect. With numerous possible solutions, it's crucial to first explore the intricacies of your business, core requirements, budget aspects, and other nuances.

Custom OpenAI Model Development

To tailor ChatGPT-3/3.5/4 (LLMs) and other OpenAI products (DALL·E for image generation, Whisper for speech recognition, or CLIP for image recognition) to a particular business, we connect them with the company data. To do so, we develop highly customized solutions at the intersection of the OpenAI models and the company's systems. As a result, AI tools start producing far more business-specific output than the generally available models.

ChatGPT Application Development

Based on ChatGPT or another AI model, we can create handy custom apps designed for different teams and their tasks. It can take the form of a content creation tool, chatbot, or data analysis platform with a well-thought-out interface and feature set. Apart from ML staff, building such a product involves all classic web dev stages: UX research, UI/UX design, development, QA, and deployment.

Chatbot Development

Advanced machine learning, deep learning, natural language understanding, and natural language processing made ChatGPT an order of magnitude more potent than the previous generation of AI tools that often failed to deliver quality conversational experiences. Now, when we can tap into the possibilities of large language models, it's truly high time to build customer service chatbots for eCommerce, healthcare, finance, and other domains. We'll design a user-friendly interface and integrate your data to really address what customers ask.

ChatGPT Integration Services

There are many ways to connect your existing product, be it a mobile app, website, or internal business platform, with ChatGPT and other OpenAI tools. We'll craft an optimal configuration to reinforce your operations with AI: automate workflows, enhance customer engagement, and so forth.

Voice Assistant Development

Even such an exclusive product as a voice assistant is now more achievable development-wise and more reasonable to invest in. Using GPT-3 or 4, Whisper, a text-to-speech system, and some more tech, our developers can create a solution facilitating search, translation, task management, and other processes either for the employees or customers.

Support & Maintenance

After the app is made or the AI integration is deployed, our cooperation can continue. We handle ongoing tasks like training models on new data, connecting new databases, optimizations, upgrades, troubleshooting, and so on. With our support and maintenance services, be sure your GPT-powered solutions perform in the best possible way.

Our Core Expertise as a ChatGPT Development Company

One by one, we've been gathering a team of pros with expertise in crucial artificial intelligence branches to work with diverse and complex projects based on the most sophisticated generative AI models to date.

Machine Learning (ML)

Machine Learning is all about developing complex algorithms trained on massive data arrays to detect patterns, predict outcomes, and make decisions. We use all three ML approaches: supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.

Deep Learning (DL)

DL is a must in developing LLMs and other generative AI models since it implies using multilayered neural networks. They're able to process and learn on texts, images, and sound even more efficiently than ML algorithms.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP is a technology at the intersection of computer science, linguistics, and machine learning. It's accountable for language-related tasks performed by computers: understanding, interpreting, and generating. Natural language processing is indispensable in creating a large language model like ChatGPT, PaLM, LLaMA, and others.

Natural Language Understanding (NLU)

NLU is a subset of NLP focusing on core and more nuanced aspects of content it handles: the meaning, context, sentiment, intent, and so on. It allows generative AI products to better interpret user interactions. Without NLU, chatbots or virtual assistants aren't so accurate.

Natural Language Generation (NLG)

NLG is also a subcategory of NLP technologies aiming at creating human-like responses relevant to the requests and kept in the context of a current AI-human conversation. All smooth, good-sounding, and to-the-point outputs by ChatGPT wouldn't be possible without NLG.

Speech Recognition

Such tools leverage ML and DL to transcribe audio to text with a high degree of accuracy: they recognize multiple languages, deal with diverse pronunciation peculiarities, and overcome subpar audio conditions. Products like the OpenAI model called Whisper can power voice assistants and translation applications.

Fine-tuning OpenAI Models

OpenAI provides the possibility to fine-tune some of its models (ChatGPT-3.5 Turbo, Davinci, Babbage). It means additional training of a pre-trained base model on your company's datasets to get a customized product. This way, the model starts performing better on business-specific tasks.

Our Tech Stack for AI Systems Development

Here are some of the AI models we utilize to develop AI-enhanced business solutions for B2C and B2B clients.

GPT-4 Turbo
GPT-4 Turbo
GPT-3.5 Turbo
GPT-3.5 Turbo
PaLM 2
PaLM 2
Stable Diffusion
Stable Diffusion

Custom ChatGPT Development Process

After getting acquainted with your organization and business objectives during initial meetings, we get to work on the project.

  1. Analyze Requirements

    We identify what project deliverables you expect and how exactly we can achieve them.

  2. Build a Roadmap

    We plan all the stages on the way to the final product with the time frames and resources needed.

  3. Handle Data

    Our ChatGPT developers collect and prepare data for training and analyze the tech environment for subsequent AI product integration.

  4. Train a Model

    If the OpenAI model fine-tuning or supplementary model training is needed, we start the process.

  5. Design and Develop

    For custom applications, our designers and ChatGPT developers create user-friendly interfaces, APIs, and modules.

  6. Test the Product

    Our QA team test-drive the solution to find and eliminate bugs, while skilled ChatGPT developers check whether the model performs as intended.

  7. Deploy the Model

    The customized ChatGPT model goes live under our supervision so that everything runs smoothly.

  8. Support and Maintain

    We stay in touch to monitor the performance and combat any issues at the onset so that the client's workflow and customer interactions aren't disrupted.

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Why Choose Onilab as Your ChatGPT Applications Development Company?

Professional, creative, and result-driven: it's all about the Onilab team. We're amongst the first to embrace innovation and bring it to our clients.

With us, you won't:

  • Work with people with a one-size-fits-all approach to software development or design;
  • Encounter developers, designers, or managers who need constant control;
  • Be disappointed by missed deadlines;
  • Be unsatisfied with the product falling short of expectations.

With us, you will:

  • Meet the team with a strong focus on your unique business needs;
  • Work with pros in their fields, be it advanced ML, natural language processing tasks, chatbot development, UX/UI design, etc.;
  • See things getting done right on time;
  • Enjoy using efficient and modern AI solutions.

Let's look into your chatbot or AI-powered app idea and bring it to life.

OpenAI ChatGPT Development Services Across Industries

There can be numerous applications for a generative AI model, be it a text-, image-, sound-focusing, or multimodal one. Here are some industries that will benefit from the ChatGPT applications development services we provide.

E-commerce & Retail

E-commerce & Retail



Finance & Banking

Finance & Banking







Logistics & Transportation

Logistics & Transportation

Construction & Real Estate

Construction & Real Estate

Media & Entertainment

Media & Entertainment


Integrating ChatGPT: Case Studies

Here, we collect fascinating projects we've been involved in as a ChatGPT development company. See which tailored solutions for businesses are possible to build based on the OpenAI model or other artificial intelligence systems.

View allView our portfolio

Explore Our Blog

Onilab's software developers, UX/UI designers, and marketers are also contributors to our blog, discussing all aspects of the tech industry in relation to real business tasks.

How to Build an AI Model for a Business: Five Major Steps
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How to Build an AI Model for a Business: Five Major Steps
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BI Implementation: the Roadmap & Challenges
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Two authors, Onilab LLC
BI Implementation: the Roadmap & Challenges
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GPT software development: FAQ

In which sectors can ChatGPT development services be used?

ChatGPT app development and related services are still quite new in software development. But the future of ChatGPT is bright: ChatGPT software is in demand across a multitude of B2C and B2B industries. E-commerce, healthcare, finance, education, entertainment, and many other sectors and their customers can benefit from AI solutions.

The application is broad, too: for improving customer engagement, automating tedious and simplifying complex tasks, accelerating content creation, and so on. A custom ChatGPT development company can build modern intelligent systems based on OpenAI's models.

Can you build custom chatbots with a ChatGPT model?

Yes, chatbot development utilizing machine learning algorithms and other advanced technologies is getting more popular. With OpenAI's API plus the client's proprietary data, skilled developers can create next-generation chatbots supporting relatable and natural conversations on company-specific topics in human-like language.

These chatbots are able to significantly increase customer satisfaction levels while easing the burden on human agents. Turn to Onilab ChatGPT development company to discuss your case.

What are the benefits of using GPT models for chatbot development?

No innovative chatbot development service is now imaginable without ChatGPT. Advanced natural language processing (NLP) technologies (including NLU and NLG) and deep learning techniques that powered ChatGPT make chatbots incredibly efficient in handling commands in plain human language.

Add smart data usage (expert chatbot developers can fine-tune OpenAI's models using the company's data for more relevancy), and you'll have a powerful application to streamline processes in customer service, enhance customer communication and, as a result, improve customer engagement.

How easy is it to integrate ChatGPT into websites or mobile apps?

ChatGPT application development services allow for seamless integration with both sites or apps oriented on customers and internal platforms for personnel to process natural language queries quickly and accurately.

However, it may take extensive technical expertise to build such custom solutions depending on the production environment and business objectives in each case.

How do you customize OpenAI models for clients' domain-specific needs?

OpenAI models boast a vast spectrum of features. Still, we can enrich them further via fine-tuning or training supplementary AI models on clients' diverse data sets and connecting company and customer data to AI systems in other ways.

Also, we can shift focus to domain-specific tasks by creating language translation apps, predictive analysis systems, multilingual voice assistants, and so on.

Can existing conversational AI chatbots be upgraded with ChatGPT technology?

Surely, your current solution can be transformed into a ChatGPT chatbot. Moreover, it's a very timely move because, nowadays, effective chatbot development focuses on using ML and NLP, deep learning algorithms, and smart data engineering.

With the ChatGPT technology, your chatbot will correctly interpret human language with a deep understanding of user inputs, gain vast translation capabilities, and utilize extensive knowledge to provide meaningful and natural-sounding responses. Hire ChatGPT developers at Onilab for custom app development and ongoing support.