Salesforce Commerce Cloud (Demandware) Services

Salesforce Commerce Cloud (Demandware) Services

Salesforce Commerce Cloud (Demandware) Services

Unlock all capabilities of your SFCC store with Salesforce Commerce Cloud (Demandware) consulting services by Onilab. For 10+ years, we've been assisting B2C and B2B eCommerce businesses worldwide in the audit, customization, design, optimization, integration, and migration tasks to secure steady growth.

Salesforce B2C Commerce Developer certificateSalesforce B2C Commerce Architect certificateSalesforce Administrator certificate

Onilab as a Salesforce Commerce Cloud Partner

Onilab as a Salesforce Commerce Cloud Partner

Salesforce is an ever-evolving environment delivering more new functionalities by the year. It's cloud-based, it's SaaS, it's AI-powered. It's one of the few companies seamlessly uniting both eCommerce and CRM capabilities. That's why big eCommerce labels and serious B2B players often choose Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

But with great opportunities comes complexity. Do you need to develop a headless SFCC store? Are there any automation possibilities overlooked? How can you further enhance customer experience, performance, and personalization? Should you migrate to SFCC from Magento/Shopify/BigCommerce?

These are the cases a Salesforce Commerce Cloud consulting company like us helps to address. We cover all SFCC tasks, from advising to system audits to design and development. 

Salesforce B2B Commerce Cloud

For those considering creating a B2B Salesforce Commerce Cloud store or replatforming to it, here are several key advantages SFCC stores boast.

  • Powerful Self-service Capabilities

    Salesforce takes B2B shopping experiences as close to regular B2C commerce as possible. Just like in a normal online store, corporate customers can find comprehensive product info, check item availability and shipping terms, order and pay, track orders, manage accounts, etc. Firstly, a streamlined user flow improves the online shopping experience. Secondly, the info and product accessibility make clients turn to sales reps less often, allowing the latter to spend more time on lead generation and negotiating deals with the biggest partners.

  • Advanced Order Management

    It's a challenging task to code all the intricate logic facilitating B2B business processes like bulk orders, recurring purchases, complex pricing structures, and so forth. Salesforce handles this excellently and allows us to create what's missing. For instance, it offers extra features on the checkout page, like shipping groups for splitting an order into several batches and sending them to multiple locations on different dates.

  • Seamless Salesforce CRM Integration

    An obvious argument in favor of Salesforce. Being a part of the whole Salesforce ecosystem, SFCC shares all the order data with the CRM without extra efforts to integrate the two systems. As a result, different teams (salespeople, account managers, service agents, and marketers) see all the commerce, CRM, service, and marketing data in one place. It's getting easier to extract insights, compile reports, and strengthen relationships with clients.

  • Personalized Customer Experiences

    With higher customer visibility (as we've mentioned just above), many AI-driven solutions, and robust automation, B2B businesses can offer personalized experiences without being overly involved in crafting them. Based on purchase history, browsing patterns, and other available data, each user sees different custom catalogs, product recommendations, and even pricing options.

  • Modern UX/UI

    The B2B Salesforce Commerce Cloud platform takes care of the good user experience because people will only order online if it's indeed handy to do so. Even an out-of-the-box storefront is optimized for mobile devices; it has a decent B2B feature set (request a quote, configure custom products, etc.); the drag-and-drop theme editor allows one to easily add/move/remove blocks.

For those considering creating a B2B Salesforce Commerce Cloud store or replatforming to it, here are several key advantages SFCC stores boast.

Powerful Self-service Capabilities

Salesforce takes B2B shopping experiences as close to regular B2C commerce as possible. Just like in a normal online store, corporate customers can find comprehensive product info, check item availability and shipping terms, order and pay, track orders, manage accounts, etc. Firstly, a streamlined user flow improves the online shopping experience. Secondly, the info and product accessibility make clients turn to sales reps less often, allowing the latter to spend more time on lead generation and negotiating deals with the biggest partners.

Advanced Order Management

It's a challenging task to code all the intricate logic facilitating B2B business processes like bulk orders, recurring purchases, complex pricing structures, and so forth. Salesforce handles this excellently and allows us to create what's missing. For instance, it offers extra features on the checkout page, like shipping groups for splitting an order into several batches and sending them to multiple locations on different dates.

Seamless Salesforce CRM Integration

An obvious argument in favor of Salesforce. Being a part of the whole Salesforce ecosystem, SFCC shares all the order data with the CRM without extra efforts to integrate the two systems. As a result, different teams (salespeople, account managers, service agents, and marketers) see all the commerce, CRM, service, and marketing data in one place. It's getting easier to extract insights, compile reports, and strengthen relationships with clients.

Personalized Customer Experiences

With higher customer visibility (as we've mentioned just above), many AI-driven solutions, and robust automation, B2B businesses can offer personalized experiences without being overly involved in crafting them. Based on purchase history, browsing patterns, and other available data, each user sees different custom catalogs, product recommendations, and even pricing options.

Modern UX/UI

The B2B Salesforce Commerce Cloud platform takes care of the good user experience because people will only order online if it's indeed handy to do so. Even an out-of-the-box storefront is optimized for mobile devices; it has a decent B2B feature set (request a quote, configure custom products, etc.); the drag-and-drop theme editor allows one to easily add/move/remove blocks.

Salesforce B2C Commerce Cloud

Many SFCC benefits are common for B2B and B2C. But some are more significant for B2C and D2C clients; let's name them.

  • AI-Powered Personalization

    Salesforce Commerce Cloud utilizes its proprietary Einstein AI to tailor shopping experiences to customers' purchasing behavior. SFCC stores are praised for their highly relevant product recommendations, smart predictive search, and advanced merchandising. Performant AI features are huge helpers in boosting conversions and other valuable metrics.

  • Flexibility and Customizability

    SFCC allows for both simple UI changes (fonts, blocks, and color scheme) and complex code-based customizations to level up store design and functionality if the ready-made solutions are insufficient. Besides, as a modern and flexible platform, Commerce Cloud provides an option to build a headless PWA for a mobile app-like user experience.

  • Omnichannel Shopping Experience

    With the headless commerce architecture comes the possibility of developing several touchpoints (apps, websites, in-store smart mirrors, etc.). Then, the all-in-one Salesforce platform seamlessly integrates them into an ecosystem where real omnichannel UX is much more achievable. For shoppers, it's convenient to go from one channel to another and enjoy cohesive customer experiences. For brands, it's easy to gather 360-degree customer information and relationship history since there's no data loss and complex integration undertakings.

  • Scalability and Performance

    With a cloud-based platform like Salesforce Commerce Cloud, there's no such issue as overload. The system is designed to adapt to traffic peaks and allocate extra resources with ease when needed. So, there will be no acute performance issues even during the high season. When it comes to scaling, it's also incredibly simple since clients don't need to buy more hardware or search for better hosting; it's the Salesforce team that handles such requests.

Many SFCC benefits are common for B2B and B2C. But some are more significant for B2C and D2C clients; let's name them.

AI-Powered Personalization

Salesforce Commerce Cloud utilizes its proprietary Einstein AI to tailor shopping experiences to customers' purchasing behavior. SFCC stores are praised for their highly relevant product recommendations, smart predictive search, and advanced merchandising. Performant AI features are huge helpers in boosting conversions and other valuable metrics.

Flexibility and Customizability

SFCC allows for both simple UI changes (fonts, blocks, and color scheme) and complex code-based customizations to level up store design and functionality if the ready-made solutions are insufficient. Besides, as a modern and flexible platform, Commerce Cloud provides an option to build a headless PWA for a mobile app-like user experience.

Omnichannel Shopping Experience

With the headless commerce architecture comes the possibility of developing several touchpoints (apps, websites, in-store smart mirrors, etc.). Then, the all-in-one Salesforce platform seamlessly integrates them into an ecosystem where real omnichannel UX is much more achievable. For shoppers, it's convenient to go from one channel to another and enjoy cohesive customer experiences. For brands, it's easy to gather 360-degree customer information and relationship history since there's no data loss and complex integration undertakings.

Scalability and Performance

With a cloud-based platform like Salesforce Commerce Cloud, there's no such issue as overload. The system is designed to adapt to traffic peaks and allocate extra resources with ease when needed. So, there will be no acute performance issues even during the high season. When it comes to scaling, it's also incredibly simple since clients don't need to buy more hardware or search for better hosting; it's the Salesforce team that handles such requests.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud Services

Both the B2C and B2B capabilities of Salesforce Commerce Cloud are impressive. But oftentimes, they remain untapped for various reasons. A professional SFCC consulting partner and talented Salesforce developers help eCommerce companies see, evaluate, and leverage these opportunities.

  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud Consulting Services
    Whether you need technical advice, have a specific question, or want a roadmap for further business growth in the Salesforce environment, turn to Onilab's Commerce Cloud consultants. We'll apply all our expertise and experience to recommend the best solutions considering your individual case and business objectives.
  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud (Demandware) Integration Services
    Businesses may need help in connecting SFCC with other Salesforce Clouds as well as third-party extensions or systems (ERP, OMS, payment gateways). Entrust our Salesforce Commerce Cloud developers with such a task so that the process is hassle-free and the integrations are seamless and stable.
  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud Storefront Customization
    The Salesforce eCommerce platform (like any other) requires some degree of customization to provide a decent shopping experience. Whether you plan to launch a store or rethink a current one, our architects, designers, developers, and QAs are ready to step in. It can be everything from rather minor interventions like creating a new custom checkout flow to major revamps.
  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud UI/UX Design Services
    Poor user experience is the ultimate conversion killer, so understanding the target audience and improving the store's UX is crucial. Onilab's designers will collect and Onilab's designers will collect and meticulously study user data to come up with smart UX/UI solutions. Then, utilizing Salesforce's modern Storefront Reference Architecture (SFRA), our developers will code new features or rebuild already implemented to get genuinely user- and mobile-friendly interfaces.
  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud Headless
    Salesforce Commerce Cloud supports cutting-edge headless commerce architecture. In essence, it's decoupling the frontend and backend and reconnecting them through the APIs. Among the many advantages of this web architecture is increased flexibility in building unique frontends catering to all customers' needs. Being champions of the headless approach and having accumulated rich experience in this area, we're a reliable partner to carry out the transformation itself and create a headless PWA and other storefronts utilizing the PWA Kit and other tools.
  • Salesforce Commerce B2B & B2C Cloud Solutions
    Working with both B2B and B2C companies, we had a chance to study business operations, peculiarities, and typical issues of these two quite different types of clients. Need to create a custom functionality from scratch? Or pick and implement an automation solution? Or redesign an underperforming part of the store? Or fix loading speed issues? There's no design or dev task we can't successfully resolve.
  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud Performance Analysis
    Store's performance on desktop and especially on mobile is a core part of the UX, directly impacting conversions, customer satisfaction, and retention. Almost every store has some room for improvement speed-wise, and our goal is to identify and use all these opportunities. It includes code/media file/caching optimization, checking extensions'/apps' performance, reviewing the Salesforce Clouds configuration itself, and so on.
  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud Managed Services
    These are all-inclusive ongoing maintenance and support services for your Commerce Cloud implementation, ensuring the system is always up to date, performant, and secure. The service encompasses routine optimization, updating, integration, and customization tasks; health checks and troubleshooting; strategic consulting and continuous seeking of new efficient yet cost-effective solutions.
  • Migration to Salesforce Commerce Cloud
    With our main specialism being all things eCommerce, we're more than familiar with different eCommerce website architecture types and their intricacies. We can guarantee your re-platforming to Salesforce (Demandware) Commerce Cloud from Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce, or other systems will go smoothly, with no data loss and no downtime.
  • CRO Services
    How does your SFCC store convert visitors into customers? If you need in-depth insights into store performance conversion-wise, we're at your disposal. With our CRO services, you'll not only identify where you miss out on selling opportunities but also take actionable steps to optimize your site's conversion potential.

Both the B2C and B2B capabilities of Salesforce Commerce Cloud are impressive. But oftentimes, they remain untapped for various reasons. A professional SFCC consulting partner and talented Salesforce developers help eCommerce companies see, evaluate, and leverage these opportunities.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud Consulting Services

Whether you need technical advice, have a specific question, or want a roadmap for further business growth in the Salesforce environment, turn to Onilab's Commerce Cloud consultants. We'll apply all our expertise and experience to recommend the best solutions considering your individual case and business objectives.
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Salesforce Commerce Cloud (Demandware) Integration Services

Businesses may need help in connecting SFCC with other Salesforce Clouds as well as third-party extensions or systems (ERP, OMS, payment gateways). Entrust our Salesforce Commerce Cloud developers with such a task so that the process is hassle-free and the integrations are seamless and stable.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud Storefront Customization

The Salesforce eCommerce platform (like any other) requires some degree of customization to provide a decent shopping experience. Whether you plan to launch a store or rethink a current one, our architects, designers, developers, and QAs are ready to step in. It can be everything from rather minor interventions like creating a new custom checkout flow to major revamps.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud UI/UX Design Services

Poor user experience is the ultimate conversion killer, so understanding the target audience and improving the store's UX is crucial. Onilab's designers will collect and Onilab's designers will collect and meticulously study user data to come up with smart UX/UI solutions. Then, utilizing Salesforce's modern Storefront Reference Architecture (SFRA), our developers will code new features or rebuild already implemented to get genuinely user- and mobile-friendly interfaces.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud Headless

Salesforce Commerce Cloud supports cutting-edge headless commerce architecture. In essence, it's decoupling the frontend and backend and reconnecting them through the APIs. Among the many advantages of this web architecture is increased flexibility in building unique frontends catering to all customers' needs. Being champions of the headless approach and having accumulated rich experience in this area, we're a reliable partner to carry out the transformation itself and create a headless PWA and other storefronts utilizing the PWA Kit and other tools.
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Salesforce Commerce B2B & B2C Cloud Solutions

Working with both B2B and B2C companies, we had a chance to study business operations, peculiarities, and typical issues of these two quite different types of clients. Need to create a custom functionality from scratch? Or pick and implement an automation solution? Or redesign an underperforming part of the store? Or fix loading speed issues? There's no design or dev task we can't successfully resolve.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud Performance Analysis

Store's performance on desktop and especially on mobile is a core part of the UX, directly impacting conversions, customer satisfaction, and retention. Almost every store has some room for improvement speed-wise, and our goal is to identify and use all these opportunities. It includes code/media file/caching optimization, checking extensions'/apps' performance, reviewing the Salesforce Clouds configuration itself, and so on.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud Managed Services

These are all-inclusive ongoing maintenance and support services for your Commerce Cloud implementation, ensuring the system is always up to date, performant, and secure. The service encompasses routine optimization, updating, integration, and customization tasks; health checks and troubleshooting; strategic consulting and continuous seeking of new efficient yet cost-effective solutions.

Migration to Salesforce Commerce Cloud

With our main specialism being all things eCommerce, we're more than familiar with different eCommerce website architecture types and their intricacies. We can guarantee your re-platforming to Salesforce (Demandware) Commerce Cloud from Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce, or other systems will go smoothly, with no data loss and no downtime.

CRO Services

How does your SFCC store convert visitors into customers? If you need in-depth insights into store performance conversion-wise, we're at your disposal. With our CRO services, you'll not only identify where you miss out on selling opportunities but also take actionable steps to optimize your site's conversion potential.
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Our SFCC Consulting Process

Let's say your online store is experiencing a decline in conversions and the average order value. You contact us to get a professional, weighted opinion on whether the redesign will help. Here is how we approach such a case or a similar one.

  1. Initial Research

    We get to know the store concept, product, and metrics, as well as discuss issues and goals with stakeholders.

  2. Profound Audit

    We learn more about the current technical and UX/UI state of the store by carrying out performance and usability tests.

  3. Detailed Reporting

    Our experts summarize findings and share practical advice on improving the store's sales funnel through custom Salesforce Commerce Cloud (Demandware) development and design.

  4. Project Planning

    Then, if a client wants to embody the offered improvements, we continue with planning, prioritizing tasks, drawing mockups, coding, testing, and deploying.

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Discuss project details with our certified Salesforce specialists, and let's get to work!

Salesforce Commerce Cloud Consultants: Why Onilab?

Each Salesforce Commerce Cloud implementation requires quite a lot of attention to live up to customers' expectations and show satisfactory KPIs. So, having professional consultants on board to look up for and implement new features as well as tackle issues is beneficial. Why is Onilab a reliable SFCC B2C and SFCC B2B consulting partner?

We don't:

  • Offer generic technical or design solutions;
  • Adopt new features or extensions just because they're trendy;
  • Promise more than we're able to achieve;
  • Ignore the milestones and deadlines.

We do:

  • Approach each client based on their unique cases, goals, and audience;
  • Search and implement products/features positively impacting key store metrics;
  • Stay realistic in evaluations and prognoses;
  • Deliver work results as agreed with timely reports on both achievements and problems.

Hire Salesforce Commerce Cloud consultants from Onilab to ensure sustainable business transformation in line with the overall eCommerce evolution.


Salesforce for Ecommerce: Our Portfolio

See some eCommerce business solutions our Salesforce Commerce Cloud developers have created so far.

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Salesforce Commerce Cloud Development on the Blog

The Onilab blog is an extensive knowledge base about modern UX/UI design and eCommerce dev coauthored by our top experts. Read on to learn more about custom Salesforce Commerce Cloud development and design.

How to Build an AI Model for a Business: Five Major Steps
Alex HusarMary Sysoi
Two authors, Onilab LLC
How to Build an AI Model for a Business: Five Major Steps
9 min
Jul 23, 2024
From Rule-based to Generative AI Chatbots: a Guide for Businesses
Business Intelligence (BI) Dashboards: Features, Best Practices & Examples
BI Implementation: the Roadmap & Challenges
Alex HusarMary Sysoi
Two authors, Onilab LLC
BI Implementation: the Roadmap & Challenges
14 min
May 24, 2024

Salesforce Commerce Cloud Services FAQ

Why is SFCC a good choice for my eCommerce business?

There are many reasons: Salesforce Commerce Cloud solutions easily integrate into the ecosystem (Salesforce Sales, Service, Marketing, and other Clouds); the platform develops its own Einstein AI products; there are robust B2C Commerce Cloud solutions as well as B2B ones; Salesforce supports headless commerce architecture and has its own PWA Kit, and so forth. Together with competent SFCC B2B consultants/B2C consultants and Salesforce Commerce Cloud developers, online stores can fully leverage these capabilities.

How can I migrate to Salesforce Commerce Cloud?

We'd recommend assigning such a task to a Salesforce Commerce Cloud agency with experience in dealing with other eCommerce platforms. It's especially helpful when it comes to enterprise solutions loaded with custom code, data, and complex integrations. Onilab is your go-to partner since we have expertise not only with Salesforce implementation but also with other platforms (Magento, Shopify, and others).

Do you provide advice on migrating to SFCC?

Our Salesforce Commerce Cloud expertise covers all questions and tasks related to SFCC: Salesforce Commerce Cloud integration, customization, UX/UI design, support, and, of course, migration. We can either share advice or organize and conduct the re-platforming from A to Z.

Why hire Salesforce commerce cloud consultant?

Building and maintaining successful, up-to-date, and scalable solutions on such a powerful platform as Salesforce demands extensive knowledge and hands-on experience. So quality SFCC and CRM consulting becomes a must-have for many eCommerce companies. SFCC B2C/SFCC B2B consultant prompts new opportunities for optimization, automation, and improving the store's UX. Besides, a Salesforce Commerce Cloud specialist or dedicated team timely tackles issues and customizes the platform so that it's in line with customer and business needs.

What's included in your Salesforce consulting services?

Typically, Salesforce consulting implies conducting a mini audit with key findings and suggestions presented in a report. Experts search for poor user experience markers and reasons, such as the custom code quality, current storefront theme, loading speed, and so on. Salesforce Commerce Cloud partners can then offer design and development services to combat outlined issues and modernize the Salesforce Commerce Cloud implementation.

How to choose reliable Salesforce Commerce Cloud developers?

When choosing a Salesforce Commerce Cloud agency for Salesforce Commerce Cloud implementation, custom development, design, or support services, pay attention to the certifications, testimonials, and case studies. Other factors are the number of years the company has existed, the markets it operates in, and its own website look, feel, and content quality.