Hire UI/UX Designers

Hire UI/UX Designers

Hire UI/UX Designers

Intuitive navigation, real mobile usability, and streamlined user flow make polished UX and higher conversions. Hire user experience designers from Onilab to create or redesign your website/app interface.

30+ UI/UX designers and frontend developers

10+ Years in the web dev and design market

40+ Large-scale design projects finished

48 Hours till your first call with a designer

Why Opt for Onilab as Your UI/UX Design Agency?

Why Opt for Onilab as Your UI/UX Design Agency?

Designing or modernizing a desktop or mobile user interface is a quite popular service, and demand for UX designers is growing. The Onilab team has more than a decade of experience in this field with big names and SMBs, eCommerce and travel businesses, European and American clients.

Our design professionals are obsessed with UX research when working on a design project. To build viable hypotheses and create effective solutions, we study massive data arrays, from GA metrics to heatmaps and session recordings. To understand customers and their needs, we carry out user testing and interviews.

Having such multifaceted expertise, we ended up building our own product. Our theme for eCommerce PWAs (progressive web apps) is deeply customizable and made using mobile and desktop usability standards, industry best practices, and our rich experience.

Benefits of Custom User Interface Design and Development

Good UI/UX is absolutely vital for achieving business objectives if you count on digital channels. Frankly, an out-of-the-box or default user interface is unlikely to help you with ambitious conversion, revenue, and customer retention goals. But let's see what are the major advantages of turning to UI/UX designers.
  • Cutting-edge Design

    When you hire dedicated UX designers to create interfaces for your store, web or mobile app, portal, or landing page, you get a modern and unique product.

    Top UX designers prioritize mobile usability, craft flawless navigation logic, and organize pages smartly to provide visitors with information and guide them toward conversion actions.

    Then, via a color scheme, typography, and graphic design, UI design pros highlight your brand image, create the right visual hierarchy, and evelate product's visual appeal for users.

  • Customer-Centric UX

    Custom user interface creation always involves in-depth UX research to better understand a brand's target audience and its pain points, needs, and sentiments. Thanks to the analysis, interaction designers can tailor navigation, page structure, and the overall site or app logic to actual and prospective customers.

    Such a personalized approach results in more engaging user experiences and an increase in micro and macro conversions. In the long run, businesses see higher customer satisfaction and a growing base of regular customers.

  • Higher Search Engine Rankings

    Google and other search engines favor up-to-date websites. And the more visible a website/web app is, the more organic traffic it gets.

    First and foremost, sites have to be designed with mobile usability in mind to rank higher. Also, they need to abide by the latest page experience ranking factors to easily pass the Core Web Vitals assessment.

  • Conversion Rate Optimization

    UX/UI redesign is the most efficient CRO tactic. When users interact with digital products, there can be myriad obstacles, each decreasing the chances people eventually press this button or fill out that form.

    A professional UX designer will assess the current site's/app's state and detect frictions hindering conversions. These can be confusing navigation, inconvenient menus, inconspicuous CTAs, missing features, unoptimized forms, poorly designed visual elements, etc.

    By eliminating excessive steps, adding necessary functionality, and rethinking existing elements, UX designers streamline the whole process of moving from top to bottom of the sales funnel.

  • Strong Brand Identity

    A custom-made site design better communicates the brand's concept, values, and aesthetics as well as contributes to a better brand recognition.

    You have almost no limits in deciding the theme's look and behavior. A unique header, mega menu, galleries, and checkout help a brand stand out from the competitors and show how thoughtful it is of customers' convenience and needs.

    On the contrary, ready-made templates are customizable only to a certain extent and only in the UI part. And when you want to make more profound changes, you still need to turn to designers and developers.

Good UI/UX is absolutely vital for achieving business objectives if you count on digital channels. Frankly, an out-of-the-box or default user interface is unlikely to help you with ambitious conversion, revenue, and customer retention goals. But let's see what are the major advantages of turning to UI/UX designers.

Cutting-edge Design

When you hire dedicated UX designers to create interfaces for your store, web or mobile app, portal, or landing page, you get a modern and unique product.

Top UX designers prioritize mobile usability, craft flawless navigation logic, and organize pages smartly to provide visitors with information and guide them toward conversion actions.

Then, via a color scheme, typography, and graphic design, UI design pros highlight your brand image, create the right visual hierarchy, and evelate product's visual appeal for users.

Customer-Centric UX

Custom user interface creation always involves in-depth UX research to better understand a brand's target audience and its pain points, needs, and sentiments. Thanks to the analysis, interaction designers can tailor navigation, page structure, and the overall site or app logic to actual and prospective customers.

Such a personalized approach results in more engaging user experiences and an increase in micro and macro conversions. In the long run, businesses see higher customer satisfaction and a growing base of regular customers.

Higher Search Engine Rankings

Google and other search engines favor up-to-date websites. And the more visible a website/web app is, the more organic traffic it gets.

First and foremost, sites have to be designed with mobile usability in mind to rank higher. Also, they need to abide by the latest page experience ranking factors to easily pass the Core Web Vitals assessment.

Conversion Rate Optimization

UX/UI redesign is the most efficient CRO tactic. When users interact with digital products, there can be myriad obstacles, each decreasing the chances people eventually press this button or fill out that form.

A professional UX designer will assess the current site's/app's state and detect frictions hindering conversions. These can be confusing navigation, inconvenient menus, inconspicuous CTAs, missing features, unoptimized forms, poorly designed visual elements, etc.

By eliminating excessive steps, adding necessary functionality, and rethinking existing elements, UX designers streamline the whole process of moving from top to bottom of the sales funnel.

Strong Brand Identity

A custom-made site design better communicates the brand's concept, values, and aesthetics as well as contributes to a better brand recognition.

You have almost no limits in deciding the theme's look and behavior. A unique header, mega menu, galleries, and checkout help a brand stand out from the competitors and show how thoughtful it is of customers' convenience and needs.

On the contrary, ready-made templates are customizable only to a certain extent and only in the UI part. And when you want to make more profound changes, you still need to turn to designers and developers.

Hire UI/UX Designers from Onilab for Any Task

Our in-house team includes both versatile pros and experts in particular design realms like usability testing, UX design, UI design, Material Design, visual design, graphic design, logo design, and more. And, of course, designers work in close collaboration with our app and web developers. All in all, we manage projects of any complexity and scale.

  • UX Designers
    A UX designer focuses on interaction design, creating logical and handy step-by-step user flows based on user research and major usability principles. UX designers are in charge of page wireframes and prototypes.
  • UI Designers
    UI experts deal with the visual part of the web or mobile app interface: design systems, brand style guides, color palettes, typography, imagery, white space, etc. Their task is to make the mockups look clear, consistent style-wise, and aesthetic.
  • Web Designers
    We work with all types of web products: web apps and classic websites, online stores and customer portals, B2B and B2C sites, landings, and other pages. We prefer a mobile-first approach to ensure impeccable mobile-friendliness and laconic yet feature-rich desktop design.
  • Mobile App Designers
    Whether it's a web-based PWA (progressive web app) or a native iOS/Android app, we'll bring its UI/UX to perfection or create it from the ground up. Mobile UX differs drastically from desktop one, so it's crucial to have a seasoned team on board to design a mobile user interface.
  • Ecommerce UI/UX Designers
    We have vast expertise in designing and revamping B2C and B2B online stores to boost conversions and customer retention. We'll make shopping experiences seamless and handy no matter which devices your customers use.
  • Graphic Designers
    Some clients also need to update their branding or even create the brand identity from scratch. Our designers are ready to handle these tasks, from ideating the logo and compiling the UI kit to drawing banners and other marketing materials.
  • Frontend Developers
    To implement the designs, hire UI/UX developers from the Onilab team. Our engineers can code pretty much everything and anything, from small features to entire frontend logic for headless commerce applications.

Our in-house team includes both versatile pros and experts in particular design realms like usability testing, UX design, UI design, Material Design, visual design, graphic design, logo design, and more. And, of course, designers work in close collaboration with our app and web developers. All in all, we manage projects of any complexity and scale.

UX Designers

A UX designer focuses on interaction design, creating logical and handy step-by-step user flows based on user research and major usability principles. UX designers are in charge of page wireframes and prototypes.

UI Designers

UI experts deal with the visual part of the web or mobile app interface: design systems, brand style guides, color palettes, typography, imagery, white space, etc. Their task is to make the mockups look clear, consistent style-wise, and aesthetic.

Web Designers

We work with all types of web products: web apps and classic websites, online stores and customer portals, B2B and B2C sites, landings, and other pages. We prefer a mobile-first approach to ensure impeccable mobile-friendliness and laconic yet feature-rich desktop design.

Mobile App Designers

Whether it's a web-based PWA (progressive web app) or a native iOS/Android app, we'll bring its UI/UX to perfection or create it from the ground up. Mobile UX differs drastically from desktop one, so it's crucial to have a seasoned team on board to design a mobile user interface.

Ecommerce UI/UX Designers

We have vast expertise in designing and revamping B2C and B2B online stores to boost conversions and customer retention. We'll make shopping experiences seamless and handy no matter which devices your customers use.

Graphic Designers

Some clients also need to update their branding or even create the brand identity from scratch. Our designers are ready to handle these tasks, from ideating the logo and compiling the UI kit to drawing banners and other marketing materials.

Frontend Developers

To implement the designs, hire UI/UX developers from the Onilab team. Our engineers can code pretty much everything and anything, from small features to entire frontend logic for headless commerce applications.

Our Hiring Models

Depending on your project goals, tasks, and scale, choose the most suitable hiring model: Dedicated Team, Fixed Cost, or Time & Material.

Dedicated Team

  • A full-fledged team with designers, developers, and testers;
  • For large-scale projects like a design overhaul or theme creation;
  • Full-time involvement;
  • Flexible time, task, and cost estimates;
  • Monthly payments.

Fixed Cost

  • An UX designer and developer or a bigger team when needed;
  • For projects with a clear work scope, like the checkout redesign or creating a landing page;
  • Full-time or part-time involvement;
  • Fixed time, task, and cost agreement;
  • One-time payment.

Time & Material

  • A designer, coder, or a team as per the concrete task;
  • For occasional tasks of any complexity;
  • Part-time involvement;
  • Flexible timeframes and cost estimates on an hourly basis;
  • Payments upon delivered results.

UX Design Process at Onilab

Here is a sneak peek into our design process, from the very start, when we get acquainted with the project, to the finish, when we test and deploy solutions.

  1. Research

    To learn more about the product and clearly define business goals, we start with a kick-off meeting and a brief filled out by a client. Then, the analytical part follows: we study the website's/app's KPIs and do competitor research.

    Then, we focus on exploring the audience, its behavior, and needs. We look at heatmaps, session recordings, and user feedback. We may also conduct user interviews and card sorting.

    Finally, we craft two documents: personas (detailed customer portraits) and CJM (one or more tables describing typical customer journeys with all bottlenecks, missing features, and our hypotheses).

  2. UI/UX

    Our UI/UX designers proceed with building the digital product's information architecture and user flow. At this point, we create wireframes (more schematic, UX-focused layouts), and then a UI designer develops a design system (or uses the client's styles).

    To test the future user interface, designers turn page layouts into animated prototypes. Prototyping helps us present how the menus, sticky bars, filters, carousels, and other features look and work without involving software engineers just yet.

  3. Development

    After the client approves the designs, the actual development begins. Our coders create the logic ideated by designers, the QA team tests the interface, and then either the changed frontend version or the whole new theme goes live.

See all steps

Why Hire a UI/UX Designer at Onilab?

The UX is one of the pillars of your digital product's success. And we're an experienced team to fulfill any possible UI/UX task.


  • Skipping the research part;
  • Outdated UI/UX solutions;
  • Failed deadlines;
  • Miscommunication.


  • Thorough UX research;
  • Convenient and mobile-friendly interfaces;
  • Results delivered on time;
  • Transparency in communication and reporting.

Partner with a seasoned team that perfectly blends creativity and utility to make converting interfaces.


Our UI/UX Designer Portfolio

Having quality UX designers on board and getting a real digital transformation with a modern responsive design helps online businesses with both financial and image gains. Explore the recent works by our UI/UX designers and developers.

View allView our portfolio

Explore our eCommerce portfolio on Behance

See how Onilab's designers and developers transform the UX and improve conversions for online stores across the globe

UI/UX Designers for Hire: FAQ

Why Hire UI/UX Designer?

Basically, to create or improve a website's or app's user experience for the sake of better conversions and other KPIs. Plus, for long-term positive effects like the rising number of loyal regular customers. The main task of a UI/UX designer is to organize the digital product in the most handy way while guiding users toward desired actions.

Why Turn to Agencies Rather than Hire Freelance UX Designers?

You may save some money by finding a freelance UX designer, but there may be several issues with such an approach later. Firstly, design freelancers tend to take more projects to secure their earnings sometimes resulting in lower work quality. Secondly, you also need to hire UI/UX developer to bring mockups to life; such an approach lacks consistency and may cause misunderstanding between specialists.

At Onilab, a user interface designer works in close collaboration with UI/UX development team. Hiring whole cross-functional teams, including experience designers, expert UI designer, graphic designer, product managers, devs, and testers guarantees smooth work and greater results.

What's the Difference Between a UX Designer and a UI Designer?

An experience (UX) designer creates or optimizes the user path from the top to the bottom of the sales pipeline, taking into account visitors' behavior patterns and needs. UI pros handle the visual part of the digital product, i.e., the color scheme, button appearance, white space, and so on. A UI/UX designer takes both roles, and it's a common case.

Do I Have a Say During the Design Process?

Surely! No good user experience designer draws wireframes on a whim or counting on their taste. Our main reference points when designing a seamless user experience are the client's business objectives and the target audience with all its peculiarities. Moreover, a UI/UX designer discusses key ideas, options, and solutions with stakeholders throughout the whole process.

Do You Create the Same UX for All Clients?

Of course, no. While the usability principles are pretty much the same for all digital products, the user experience design will look different depending on the industry, concrete product/service, business goals, and customer portraits.

How Often Should I Rethink UI/UX of My Website/App?

It makes sense to hire a UI/UX design team once every few years to modernize the UI part, add new features, and check whether the current user experience still matches users' expectations or whether some parts of the customer journey can be streamlined and enhanced.