Magento Theme Development Company

Magento Theme Development Company

Magento Theme Development Company

Mobile-first, user-friendly, highly-converting. These are Magento themes we create. Need a custom theme from scratch? A PWA frontend? Just a couple of new features? Our Magento theme development services cover all of that and beyond.

Onilab Magento Theme Development Company

Onilab Magento Theme Development Company

For 10+ years (from the very start), the Onilab team has been focusing on all things Magento, including the custom Magento theme development service. While default Magento and its themes (Luma or Venia) are quite mediocre, the platform is eminent for limitless customization possibilities. We've been exploring and leveraging them to the fullest.

With custom theme development expertise amassed throughout these years, we ended up building our own unique Magento PWA theme. It's a customizable frontend for cutting-edge, fast, and native-app-like progressive web apps. Having years of experience and a solid storefront product, we handle any Magento theme design and development tasks better and faster than other agencies out there.

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What Is Custom Magento Theme Development?

What Is Custom Magento Theme Development?

Magento theme development services encompass a wide range of tasks having to do with online store theme creation and frontend development, from revamping a single page like home or checkout to large-scale creation and tech overhauls to developing brand new themes.

We conduct UX research (analyze stores' UX/UI and purchasers), create customer journey maps (CJMs), work on navigation and feature logic, draw templates, put together UI kits, etc. Then, developers take over: bring those mockups to life, integrate themes into existing stores, build PWAs, and so on.

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Benefits of Magento Theme Customization

Sure, you can use a ready-made Magento theme and still enjoy decent sales. However, the most successful eCommerce businesses tend to have custom-made themes. A customized theme indeed brings a wealth of benefits to a store. Let's list them.

Real Mobile-friendliness

Most off-the-shelf themes still don't live up to users' expectations. These are rather adapted desktop versions for the sake of cheapness, which leads to many mobile UX trade-offs. Mobile versions are simply uncomfortable in use, explaining why mobile traffic is larger while conversions are lower. In turn, custom themes are usually made separately for smartphones and laptops, and mobile layouts are aligned with modern usability rules.

Well-thought-out User Flow

Custom theme development is mostly about making buyer journeys seamless and smooth. When creating a new storefront or remaking an existing theme, UX/UI experts investigate the audience, metrics, and heatmaps (if available), segment customer groups, and reconstruct their journeys. Then, they ideate hypotheses on what custom features are needed, what should be remade or removed, etc. Tailored Magento themes are more logical and guide visitors through a sales funnel more effectively.

Pitch-perfect Brand Representation

Apart from being geared for specific target audiences, customized themes reflect unique brand identities. Almost every theme allows us to apply brand colors and fonts, but the store concept is much more than that. We can build a one-of-a-kind homepage/product page structure, non-standard galleries to show off items, add all handy features that default themes lack, and more.

Higher Loading Speed

Basically, there are a couple of ways to achieve it. The first is optimizing the given theme while customizing it. Being universal, themes tend to have excessive features (= code); developers can cut unnecessary stuff. Plus, if they detect suboptimal code, they can refine it, too. The second path is choosing a PWA theme. It's trickier since it implies transforming the whole store architecture, but stores get even more advantages over rivals.

Polished Customer Experience

Customer experiences are made up of many facets: how easy it is to navigate on the website, how fast pages load, how visible is crucial product and shipping info, how smart the filtering system is, how streamlined the checkout page looks, and so forth. Custom themes take it all into account, making online shopping significantly easier and faster on any device, be it a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or PC.

Better Conversion Rate

All the favorable effects of Magento custom theme development naturally lead to growing conversions. Stores with not just sleek or flamboyant but also logical, well-organized, user-friendly themes win more orders and are better at retaining customers. That's why it's worth your while to invest in custom theme.

Magento Theme Development Services

Have a brand-new Magento platform with an inherited parent theme not suiting your brand image? Want to freshen up a current theme? Need to rethink a part of the user journey like checkout or cart theme design? Let's discuss your project then!

  • Magento Theme Audit
    Usability research precedes most of the Magento theme development services and is offered as a separate service. It's a profound analysis of a store's target audience and its behavior when interacting with the website. Having extracted quantitative and qualitative data, our experts describe customer segments, their journeys in the store, and typical problems. Another part of the audit is building hypotheses on what confuses visitors on the website, why they bounce on certain pages, don't complete orders, etc. Then, we suggest concrete UX/UI improvements.
  • Custom Magento Theme Design
    E-commerce businesses with unique products and concepts might face issues with readily available themes. Some are outdated; others aren't flexible enough for the level of customization required to embody creative ideas and innovative functionality. In such cases, our talented UX/UI designers and developers create Magento themes from scratch: the conceptual part (UX/UI) and the tech part (frontend logic).
  • PWA Theme Development
    It's our bestseller service, for sure. Headless commerce web architecture and progressive web apps, in particular, are getting increasingly popular in eCommerce. The reason is many benefits for customers and businesses, the most significant being better performance, a native app-like UX/UI on mobile, wider customization possibilities, and freedom in creating omnichannel experiences with several storefronts for different devices united under one backend.
  • Magento 2 Theme Customization
    Whatever Magento 2 theme you have, we'll help refine it so that more visitors turn into customers and more customers become regulars. We always recommend customizing basic M2 themes to achieve a more modern, intuitive, stylish look and feel.
  • Сustom Magento Design
    This service is an ultimate must-have for most brands, except those who've used customization services very recently. On each and every store page, there can be flaws hindering a smooth and pleasant shopping experience. Inconvenient menus, ill-structured homepages, uninformative category pages, lengthy PDPs and checkouts are all subjects to a revamp.
  • Magento Mobile Theme Development
    Mobile traffic overtook the desktop one a while ago, yet most mobile stores on the web leave a lot to be desired. We at Onilab practice making separate layouts for smartphones and computers rather than simply squeezing desktop themes for mobile. Plus, we favor the mobile-first approach, starting with more complicated and demanding mobile UX/UI, especially navigation. That's what makes our mobile themes barely distinguishable from native app interfaces.
  • Magento Website Redesign
    Every three to five years, an average eCommerce site needs a UX/UI modernization. The extent of Magento theme redesigning ranges from more cosmetic interventions to major rework. It depends on the current state of the frontend, its compliance with core usability principles for mobile and desktop interfaces, and the issues shoppers encounter, reflected in key metrics, heatmaps, and other UX research findings.
  • Magento Theme Integration Services
    Once custom Magento theme development is over, it's time to integrate a new, customized, or redesigned theme into the store. Don't fret, the process won't disrupt store operations. Switching to a new theme (uploading, applying, clearing cache, etc.) goes with little to no downtime. To ensure seamless integration, we usually complete Magento theme implementation during off-peak hours and monitor the store for a while afterward.

Have a brand-new Magento platform with an inherited parent theme not suiting your brand image? Want to freshen up a current theme? Need to rethink a part of the user journey like checkout or cart theme design? Let's discuss your project then!

Magento Theme Audit

Usability research precedes most of the Magento theme development services and is offered as a separate service. It's a profound analysis of a store's target audience and its behavior when interacting with the website. Having extracted quantitative and qualitative data, our experts describe customer segments, their journeys in the store, and typical problems. Another part of the audit is building hypotheses on what confuses visitors on the website, why they bounce on certain pages, don't complete orders, etc. Then, we suggest concrete UX/UI improvements.

Custom Magento Theme Design

E-commerce businesses with unique products and concepts might face issues with readily available themes. Some are outdated; others aren't flexible enough for the level of customization required to embody creative ideas and innovative functionality. In such cases, our talented UX/UI designers and developers create Magento themes from scratch: the conceptual part (UX/UI) and the tech part (frontend logic).

PWA Theme Development

It's our bestseller service, for sure. Headless commerce web architecture and progressive web apps, in particular, are getting increasingly popular in eCommerce. The reason is many benefits for customers and businesses, the most significant being better performance, a native app-like UX/UI on mobile, wider customization possibilities, and freedom in creating omnichannel experiences with several storefronts for different devices united under one backend.

Magento 2 Theme Customization

Whatever Magento 2 theme you have, we'll help refine it so that more visitors turn into customers and more customers become regulars. We always recommend customizing basic M2 themes to achieve a more modern, intuitive, stylish look and feel.

Сustom Magento Design

This service is an ultimate must-have for most brands, except those who've used customization services very recently. On each and every store page, there can be flaws hindering a smooth and pleasant shopping experience. Inconvenient menus, ill-structured homepages, uninformative category pages, lengthy PDPs and checkouts are all subjects to a revamp.
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Magento Mobile Theme Development

Mobile traffic overtook the desktop one a while ago, yet most mobile stores on the web leave a lot to be desired. We at Onilab practice making separate layouts for smartphones and computers rather than simply squeezing desktop themes for mobile. Plus, we favor the mobile-first approach, starting with more complicated and demanding mobile UX/UI, especially navigation. That's what makes our mobile themes barely distinguishable from native app interfaces.

Magento Website Redesign

Every three to five years, an average eCommerce site needs a UX/UI modernization. The extent of Magento theme redesigning ranges from more cosmetic interventions to major rework. It depends on the current state of the frontend, its compliance with core usability principles for mobile and desktop interfaces, and the issues shoppers encounter, reflected in key metrics, heatmaps, and other UX research findings.
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Magento Theme Integration Services

Once custom Magento theme development is over, it's time to integrate a new, customized, or redesigned theme into the store. Don't fret, the process won't disrupt store operations. Switching to a new theme (uploading, applying, clearing cache, etc.) goes with little to no downtime. To ensure seamless integration, we usually complete Magento theme implementation during off-peak hours and monitor the store for a while afterward.

Default vs. Ready-made vs. Custom Magento Themes

Magento customization services can be quite costly and time-consuming. At the same time, Magento provides basic templates for free. Besides, it's possible to find out-of-the-box options for a fraction of the Magento theme customization price. So, why invest in custom themes?

  • A Default Magento Theme

    Magento offers a couple of so-called demo themes: Luma (for Magento 2) and Venia (for Magento PWA). 

    Basically, they're considered a starting point for further theme design and development rather than full-fledged templates ready to go live. The demo themes are a little bit too basic, raw in some aspects, and outdated in others.

    This is because the concept of Magento (Adobe Commerce) itself is all about high customizability and flexibility. This is what eCommerce businesses choose Magento for in the first place. In other words, it provides opportunities to create unique interfaces and shopping experiences on top of demo themes.

  • A Ready-made Theme

    Then, we have off-the-shelf themes developed by third parties. Offering better UX solutions and more stylish UI layouts than basic Magento themes, they have a place on the market, and deservedly so. Such themes are a decent option for many stores, especially when the budget is limited, or there's a need to launch faster.

    On the flip side, being meant for a wide range of online stores, ready-made themes are inevitably too generic. Besides, they might lack must-have features like a loyalty program, wish list, or sticky bars, still requiring custom theme and development.

  • A Custom-made Magento Theme

    Custom themes always have the upper hand in such comparisons because they're a perfect match for the brand and its clientele. With no compromises over the feature set, visual layout, and mobile-friendliness, custom storefronts are comfier for purchasers to deal with.

    But quality and exclusivity come at a cost. As with all customizations, the Magento theme development process requires extra funding and time, as well as seeking a professional conceptualization and development team. So, traditionally, responsive theme development services are more popular among larger companies.

    However, improving even one page (especially checkout) or one aspect (say, navigation on mobile) greatly affects the overall UX and sales while being far more affordable.

Magento customization services can be quite costly and time-consuming. At the same time, Magento provides basic templates for free. Besides, it's possible to find out-of-the-box options for a fraction of the Magento theme customization price. So, why invest in custom themes?

A Default Magento Theme

Magento offers a couple of so-called demo themes: Luma (for Magento 2) and Venia (for Magento PWA). 

Basically, they're considered a starting point for further theme design and development rather than full-fledged templates ready to go live. The demo themes are a little bit too basic, raw in some aspects, and outdated in others.

This is because the concept of Magento (Adobe Commerce) itself is all about high customizability and flexibility. This is what eCommerce businesses choose Magento for in the first place. In other words, it provides opportunities to create unique interfaces and shopping experiences on top of demo themes.

A Ready-made Theme

Then, we have off-the-shelf themes developed by third parties. Offering better UX solutions and more stylish UI layouts than basic Magento themes, they have a place on the market, and deservedly so. Such themes are a decent option for many stores, especially when the budget is limited, or there's a need to launch faster.

On the flip side, being meant for a wide range of online stores, ready-made themes are inevitably too generic. Besides, they might lack must-have features like a loyalty program, wish list, or sticky bars, still requiring custom theme and development.

A Custom-made Magento Theme

Custom themes always have the upper hand in such comparisons because they're a perfect match for the brand and its clientele. With no compromises over the feature set, visual layout, and mobile-friendliness, custom storefronts are comfier for purchasers to deal with.

But quality and exclusivity come at a cost. As with all customizations, the Magento theme development process requires extra funding and time, as well as seeking a professional conceptualization and development team. So, traditionally, responsive theme development services are more popular among larger companies.

However, improving even one page (especially checkout) or one aspect (say, navigation on mobile) greatly affects the overall UX and sales while being far more affordable.

Magento Theme Development: Our Workflow

We approach Magento theme development with both creativity and reliance on data. So, here is what cooperation with our team looks like.

  1. Meetings

    First, we discuss the project with stakeholders: business needs, issues, vision, and expectations.

  2. UX Research

    Our usability experts gather store analytics data, study heatmaps and session recordings, may conduct user interviews and testing.

  3. CJMs

    We compile buyer personas portraits and customer journey maps with hypotheses on how to build/improve the UX at each stage of the user flow.

  4. Prioritization

    We present insights and ideas to the client, and together, we sort tasks by importance.

  5. UX/UI Design

    Designers build information architecture, work on user flow, craft prototypes, and develop the design system.

  6. Development

    The dev team writes the theme code or, in the case of building a PWA, rethinks the whole store architecture.

  7. QA

    We thoroughly test the theme and bring it to perfection before going live.

  8. Launch

    The final step is theme implementation and after-launch monitoring.

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Why Choose Onilab as a Custom Magento Theme Development Agency?

The more customized theme you need, the more crucial it is who creates it. Our Magento expert team has all the star qualities to do this job.

We aren't:

  • Ignorant, failing to provide smart solutions or solve non-standard issues;
  • Lazy, applying the same approaches and practices to all projects;
  • Not caring enough about the effectiveness of theme design and dev decisions;
  • Negligent, missing deadlines and ignoring messages.

We are:

  • Well-versed in Magento store development, having 10+ years of experience with mid- and large-sized stores all over the world;
  • Talented but not complacent, constantly educating ourselves and searching for newer and better solutions;
  • Results-oriented, prioritizing business objectives and target KPIs;
  • Responsible, promising only the results we can achieve and completing tasks on time.

Onilab Magento theme development agency builds unique and fast storefronts aimed at converting more users into customers.


Magento Theme Development: Our Portfolio

Explore our recent Magento custom theme development cases for online stores from the US, France, Australia, Denmark, and other countries.

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Responsive Theme Design Topics on the Blog

Onilab's UX/UI and dev pros share how we conduct UX research and design themes, what the best practices in mobile UX are, how exactly design enhances the shopping experience, what PWAs are, and more.

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Explore our eCommerce portfolio on Behance

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FAQ on Magento Theme Development Services

What is Magento store theme development?

It's the process of either creating or customizing already existing responsive themes (storefronts). Certified Magento experts help to boost online purchasing by improving the user experience.

Can you redesign the existing theme for my Magento store?

Yes! Onilab's skilled Magento theme designers and coders will analyze and transform your current underperforming theme into a modern, visually appealing one with new features and handier layout elements.

How long will it take to complete the Magento template development project?

First, a Magento theme development expert needs to evaluate the condition of the Magento store as of now. Then, together with the client, we decide whether to remake Magento templates completely or partially.

A full theme redesign or design from scratch takes about 2-3 months for the UX/UI part. When it comes to the development part, use our Magento website theme consulting services to get a preliminary estimate.

Why choose a custom theme over pre-designed responsive themes?

All themes now have a responsive design, but its quality is often insufficient for a modern eCommerce business, which is reflected in low Magento theme conversion rates. Our theme development service is focused on delivering truly mobile-friendly themes equipped with native app-like features.

How to create a custom Magento 2 theme?

Magento development demands a wealth of experience. So, turn to a reputable Magento theme development company like Onilab to cooperate with a dedicated team of designers and engineers.