Salesforce Administration Services

Salesforce Administration Services

Salesforce Administration Services

Keep your Salesforce clouds up-to-date, perfectly automated, stable, and secure without an in-house admin. Outsource administration tasks with considerable cost savings and gains in SF performance.

  • Certified Salesforce admins
  • 7-day FREE trial and affordable flat monthly rate
  • Flexible Salesforce admin service packages
  • Transparent and convenient communication
  • No obligatory contracts, easy cancellation

Our Packages (+7-day Free Trial!)

Opt for a plan matching your Salesforce org's needs and budget, and the rest is on us. The pay-as-you-go scheme. No contract is required. End subscription anytime.


You'll get:

  • One consulting session
  • Three major tasks
  • Unlimited number of minor/routine tasks


You'll get:

  • Two consulting sessions
  • Unlimited number of major tasks (resolved one by one)
  • Unlimited number of minor/routine tasks


You'll get:

  • Three consulting sessions
  • Unlimited number of major tasks (up to three active tickets at a time)
  • Unlimited number of minor/routine tasks

Why Choose Salesforce Administrator Services by Onilab?

Having an SF admin on board all day, every day seems like a must. But here are some reasons why hiring a remote Salesforce administrator from the Onilab team is worth your while.
  • Lower Price

    Outsourcing means you only pay for the tasks done instead of paying a full-fledged salary, insurance, and bonuses. Plus, Onilab has offices in the EU offering quite comfortable prices compared to the US.

  • Flexible Plans

    Some organizations have just several major Salesforce tasks a month (not counting routine ones), while others have this amount of work in their to-do list every week. We offer a few monthly plans for different company sizes and business needs.

  • Specialized Agency

    When it comes to Salesforce, we know the ropes. Handling multiple projects simultaneously year after year, we've been accumulating knowledge, experience, and Salesforce best practices for different industries and use cases. We offer a broad spectrum of professionals, from Salesforce consultants to business analysts, ensuring comprehensive support for all your requirements.

  • Salesforce Experts

    Continuous education, training, and plenty of practice make our admins well-prepared to fix issues faster and suggest smarter moves. Our admins' technical proficiency is unsurpassed compared with average in-house administrators.

  • No Workload Issues

    Will a full-time admin have enough tasks to do daily? In large enterprises, most likely, yes. In SMBs, probably, no. Therefore, keeping a specialist on a payroll is not as cost-effective as any business wants. With outsourced admins, you don't need to worry about the work scope.

  • No Extra Investments

    It takes time to find, hire, and onboard a professional Salesforce admin. Then, it takes time and money to continuously educate them and obtain new certifications. In the admin-as-service case, these costs and tasks are on us.

  • No Strings Attached

    We offer utterly transparent and convenient terms. Firstly, a 7-day trial for you to understand whether the format suits your needs. Secondly, there are no long-term obligations; clients are charged flat monthly rates. Thirdly, no need to sign a contract if you don't want to. Lastly, you can end our cooperation anytime with no extra costs or paperwork.

Having an SF admin on board all day, every day seems like a must. But here are some reasons why hiring a remote Salesforce administrator from the Onilab team is worth your while.

Lower Price

Outsourcing means you only pay for the tasks done instead of paying a full-fledged salary, insurance, and bonuses. Plus, Onilab has offices in the EU offering quite comfortable prices compared to the US.

Flexible Plans

Some organizations have just several major Salesforce tasks a month (not counting routine ones), while others have this amount of work in their to-do list every week. We offer a few monthly plans for different company sizes and business needs.

Specialized Agency

When it comes to Salesforce, we know the ropes. Handling multiple projects simultaneously year after year, we've been accumulating knowledge, experience, and Salesforce best practices for different industries and use cases. We offer a broad spectrum of professionals, from Salesforce consultants to business analysts, ensuring comprehensive support for all your requirements.

Salesforce Experts

Continuous education, training, and plenty of practice make our admins well-prepared to fix issues faster and suggest smarter moves. Our admins' technical proficiency is unsurpassed compared with average in-house administrators.

No Workload Issues

Will a full-time admin have enough tasks to do daily? In large enterprises, most likely, yes. In SMBs, probably, no. Therefore, keeping a specialist on a payroll is not as cost-effective as any business wants. With outsourced admins, you don't need to worry about the work scope.

No Extra Investments

It takes time to find, hire, and onboard a professional Salesforce admin. Then, it takes time and money to continuously educate them and obtain new certifications. In the admin-as-service case, these costs and tasks are on us.

No Strings Attached

We offer utterly transparent and convenient terms. Firstly, a 7-day trial for you to understand whether the format suits your needs. Secondly, there are no long-term obligations; clients are charged flat monthly rates. Thirdly, no need to sign a contract if you don't want to. Lastly, you can end our cooperation anytime with no extra costs or paperwork.


Outsourced SF Admins: Top Benefits

Outsourced SF Admins: Top Benefits

Seasoned Salesforce administrators at Onilab have dealt with all possible managing, optimizing, and customizing tasks on each and every Salesforce cloud. So, if our admins are in charge of your Salesforce instance, then...

  • Any Task Is Solvable

    Count on us for workflow automation, reports and dashboard configuration, CRM customization, data management, troubleshooting, integrations with other systems, consulting services, routine updates, and more.

  • Cost Savings Are Guaranteed

    Our Salesforce admin services packages are not only geared for different workloads, but also flexible. You can switch between them as your work scope changes or easily pause/cancel.

  • Results Are Delivered on Time

    Our admins and customer support team are always in touch, quickly reacting to your requests, finishing tasks ASAP, and proactively suggesting critical fixes/updates to enhance business processes.

Outsourced Salesforce Administration Services: How it Works

Once you fill out the contact form, we'll reach back to you in 24-48 hours to discuss the project and get to work.

  1. Initial Consultations

    Our admin gets acquainted with your Salesforce org, business requirements, and pain points. We answer all questions and talk you through the whole process, from task submission to resolution.

  2. The First Tasks

    Via a handy task management tool of choice, you start giving us requests. There can be large and minor tasks prioritized by urgency and importance.

  3. Task Tracking

    As we work on your tasks, you can check their status and add comments via your dashboard/portal to stay updated on their progress.

  4. Deliverables

    After the current task is finished, you get a notification and can check results in the CRM as well as see the task summary provided by an admin.

  5. What's Next?

    We either move to the next request (if we have a backlog) or wait for new tasks on standby.

See all steps

Task Management Is Super Handy

Task Management Is Super Handy

Set us tasks wherever you find convenient: your internal portal, task manager, project management tool, etc. Or, if you don't have particular preferences, we'll suggest a suitable platform to submit requests, add documents, track progress, schedule meetings, and communicate with SF admins.

Read more

Our Salesforce Admin Services

See what each SF administrator at Onilab is capable of:

Clouds Configuration

Clouds Configuration

Workflow Automation

Workflow Automation

Data Management

Data Management

CRM Troubleshooting

CRM Troubleshooting

Reports & Dashboards Optimization

Reports & Dashboards Optimization

Third-party Software Integration

Third-party Software Integration

System Updates & Upgrades

System Updates & Upgrades

Access & User Management

Access & User Management

CRM Health & Security Checks

CRM Health & Security Checks

Related Case Studies

Learn more about our projects as a certified Salesforce Partner for app, mobile app, and web app development as well as Salesfocre administration services.

View allView our portfolio

Salesforce Administration Services FAQ

Why choose a remote Salesforce administrator over a full-time one?

If you have a work scope that is big enough, then the choice is obviously in favor of an in-house admin or even a team. If you're a middle-sized or small company or realize the full-time employee is idle really often, it makes sense to go for an outsourced option. After all, yearly salaries for a full-time Salesforce admin range between $40.000 and $130.000 (based on experience and location), while our package prices start from $500 per month ($6.000 per year).

What tasks will SF admins cover?

Everything what a regular certified Salesforce administrator is in charge of: user management (user accounts, permissions, etc.), some customizations (custom objects, fields, page layouts), process automation, data management (cleansing, transferring, updating, creating validation rules, backups), reports and dashboard optimization, CRM health checks, fixing issues, user training and support, and so on.

Can I try the service for free?

Surely! You'll have a 7-day trial period before deciding whether to prolong your subscription to any plan.

What does the collaboration with the agency look like?

We try to be as flexible as possible, choosing the most convenient tools and options for task submission, tracking, and communication together with the client. Plus, we agree on how the results and reports will be presented.

What does "An unlimited number of major tasks (resolved one by one)" mean?

On the Advanced plan, we do more major tasks than on the Basic one. The only limitation is that we take and resolve one at a time while the rest wait in a queue. In turn, on the Premium plan, we simultaneously take up to three tasks.

How quickly are tasks resolved?

We understand you might be in doubt because our Salesforce administrators have several clients simultaneously. However, our well-established processes, vast knowledge, and enormous Salesforce experience allow us to close urgent and small tasks within hours and more voluminous/complex ones in 2-3 business days. If we see the work might take more time, we'll inform you. For more transparency, we provide time estimates for all tasks upfront.