Business Intelligence Services and BI Solutions

Business Intelligence Services and BI Solutions

Business Intelligence Services and BI Solutions

Tap into vast business data arrays with custom BI software fully geared for your use cases. Extract all the valuable insights, rectify decision-making, and explore new opportunities.

How to Harness Business Intelligence?

How to Harness Business Intelligence?

Data has always been an important asset for creating business strategies, planning resources, discovering possibilities, evaluating success, mitigating risks, etc. But being a business in the 2020s means dealing with loads and loads of raw data constantly pouring from all the channels and systems. Then, storing, analyzing, and utilizing it efficiently becomes a vital task.

That's when you may need a business intelligence services provider. Our BI and BA experts will assess your business needs to offer optimal BI solutions: pick and configure a ready-made platform, modernize your existing system, or build a new custom one. 

We cover all the BI and analytics services, from building data infrastructure and setting data quality management to integrating business intelligence tools into the workflow with quality data visualization and reporting.

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How Do Customers Benefit from Business Intelligence Services?

How Do Customers Benefit from Business Intelligence Services?

Businesses, particularly mid-sized and enterprise-level ones, will reap many benefits from an advanced BI implementation. Let's see how leveraging business intelligence enhances operational processes and secures steady growth.

  • Fully Leveraged Data

    If configured and integrated correctly, enterprise BI systems make the most of your business data. Firstly, a business intelligence service provider handles BI data management, i.e., organizes and aggregates data from siloed/scattered data sources in a data warehouse, ensures safe data migration, and maintains data quality for accurate processing. Secondly, a business intelligence agency creates and customizes BI tools for effective data usage, from routine data tracking and creating reports to making complex prognoses.

  • Accurate Forecasting

    Cutting-edge business intelligence tools allow for comprehensive data analysis, which takes the quality of insights gleaned and the accuracy of forecasts to a new level. With all historical and real-time data pieces being captured and processed, businesses improve their descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. In other words, they uncover trends and patterns better, get more precise in predicting business outcomes/user behavior/etc., and change strategies with stronger positive impact.

  • Effective Decisions

    Every day, executives, managers, and team members make big and small decisions largely based on business analytics. Each decision, to some extent, affects major business goals. But to make sense of big data, you can't do without advanced data analytics. The essence of business intelligence solutions is exactly to facilitate data-informed decision-making.

  • Optimized Processes

    A company equipped with a well-integrated BI solution can streamline its workflows on several levels. Advanced reporting and predictive analytics capabilities of BI tools help cut costs and time needed to complete data analytics tasks. Teams across an organization get more objective in assessing what actions are worth their while to reallocate funds and efforts. Finally, with all data put in order and available for all stakeholders, communication and collaboration inside teams and between departments gets faster and more transparent.

  • Mitigated Risks

    Modern business intelligence technologies customized by BI experts give a comprehensive view of the current state of the org and crucial business insights into both opportunities and risks. For instance, robust predictive analytics tools aid in unraveling upward and downward demand trends. It, in turn, makes teams better at inventory planning.

Our Business Intelligence Solutions and Services

As a business intelligence solution provider, we offer all the BI-related services to aggregate, prepare, integrate, analyze, and visualize your data. Learn how to use our BI expertise to level up your core business processes.

  • Business Intelligence Consulting Services
    Our developers, data science pros, and analysts learn your case and provide guidance on the best path to take, whether it be the BI soft upgrade, implementing a self-service system, building one from the ground up, or hybrid options. We can carry out a comprehensive audit to select the optimal BI architecture and tech stack for your project. Besides, we craft a step-by-step implementation/optimization roadmap.
  • Enterprise BI Systems Development
    The service encompasses all stages of business intelligence implementation (creating a custom BI product or adopting a third-party one). We start with studying your org's structure, processes, data sources, challenges, and needs. Then, we come up with a BI implementation concept, defining the infrastructure and technologies. Then follows the development: we create a data warehouse (with structured data) and data lake (with raw data), establish robust data security rulings, embed BI into your systems, introduce AI-powered BI solutions, set up custom reports and dashboards.
  • Predictive Analytics and Data Mining
    AI-based business intelligence tools are getting better at generating insights for improving UX, customer retention, marketing campaigns, personalization, pricing strategies, and so on. Our data science pros help to utilize machine learning and other subsets of artificial intelligence for data mining (detecting dependencies, patterns, trends, etc.) and predictive modeling.
  • Big Data Analytics
    Some customers have a massive data influx and struggle to process it all quickly and efficiently enough. It means they need more sophisticated business intelligence services. With the help of powerful data science approaches, technologies, and tools, we develop performant systems capable of storing and analyzing large data arrays.
  • Digital Products Analytics
    For businesses operating mostly online, the ability to effectively analyze data and obtain actionable insights is essential for thriving. We'll optimize and customize analytics software and rethink your interactive dashboards to help you make more confident data-driven decisions. A quality BI system better assists in behavioral data analysis, customer relationship management, and improving user flow and customer experience.
  • BI Modernization and BI Integration Services
    As new tech solutions emerge to expedite and refine data management, the BI environment needs a thorough audit and upgrade or optimization once in a while. Our experts will identify areas for improvement and modernize the parts that will truly benefit from such an intervention. Besides, we'll integrate your current BI solution with any third-party platforms from which you want to source data or via which you want to analyze it.
  • BI Maintenance and Support
    Once the active development phase is over, we can stay in touch, delivering technical support services to eliminate any disruptions. We'll monitor, test, fix, and continuously optimize your BI solution to ensure stable performance and accurate calculations.
  • Data Visualization and Self-Service BI
    Self-service BI tools make data analysis comprehensible and manageable to employees without special knowledge. As they're granted faster and handier access to critical info (without involving analysts and coders), they're more proactive and flexible in drawing conclusions and taking action. We'll help you choose a user-friendly platform (Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, Google Data Studio, Qlik Sense, or others) and integrate it with your data sources and workflows. Then, we'll add custom logic, dashboards, reports, and data visualizations.
  • Business Intelligence as a Service (BIaaS)
    BI is also available as a subscription-based SaaS solution for companies willing to drastically cut spending on hardware, software, and maintenance. You get a BI system tailored to your needs and utilize its business intelligence and analytics services without managing infrastructure and tackling bugs.

As a business intelligence solution provider, we offer all the BI-related services to aggregate, prepare, integrate, analyze, and visualize your data. Learn how to use our BI expertise to level up your core business processes.

Business Intelligence Consulting Services

Our developers, data science pros, and analysts learn your case and provide guidance on the best path to take, whether it be the BI soft upgrade, implementing a self-service system, building one from the ground up, or hybrid options. We can carry out a comprehensive audit to select the optimal BI architecture and tech stack for your project. Besides, we craft a step-by-step implementation/optimization roadmap.

Enterprise BI Systems Development

The service encompasses all stages of business intelligence implementation (creating a custom BI product or adopting a third-party one). We start with studying your org's structure, processes, data sources, challenges, and needs. Then, we come up with a BI implementation concept, defining the infrastructure and technologies. Then follows the development: we create a data warehouse (with structured data) and data lake (with raw data), establish robust data security rulings, embed BI into your systems, introduce AI-powered BI solutions, set up custom reports and dashboards.

Predictive Analytics and Data Mining

AI-based business intelligence tools are getting better at generating insights for improving UX, customer retention, marketing campaigns, personalization, pricing strategies, and so on. Our data science pros help to utilize machine learning and other subsets of artificial intelligence for data mining (detecting dependencies, patterns, trends, etc.) and predictive modeling.

Big Data Analytics

Some customers have a massive data influx and struggle to process it all quickly and efficiently enough. It means they need more sophisticated business intelligence services. With the help of powerful data science approaches, technologies, and tools, we develop performant systems capable of storing and analyzing large data arrays.

Digital Products Analytics

For businesses operating mostly online, the ability to effectively analyze data and obtain actionable insights is essential for thriving. We'll optimize and customize analytics software and rethink your interactive dashboards to help you make more confident data-driven decisions. A quality BI system better assists in behavioral data analysis, customer relationship management, and improving user flow and customer experience.

BI Modernization and BI Integration Services

As new tech solutions emerge to expedite and refine data management, the BI environment needs a thorough audit and upgrade or optimization once in a while. Our experts will identify areas for improvement and modernize the parts that will truly benefit from such an intervention. Besides, we'll integrate your current BI solution with any third-party platforms from which you want to source data or via which you want to analyze it.

BI Maintenance and Support

Once the active development phase is over, we can stay in touch, delivering technical support services to eliminate any disruptions. We'll monitor, test, fix, and continuously optimize your BI solution to ensure stable performance and accurate calculations.

Data Visualization and Self-Service BI

Self-service BI tools make data analysis comprehensible and manageable to employees without special knowledge. As they're granted faster and handier access to critical info (without involving analysts and coders), they're more proactive and flexible in drawing conclusions and taking action. We'll help you choose a user-friendly platform (Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, Google Data Studio, Qlik Sense, or others) and integrate it with your data sources and workflows. Then, we'll add custom logic, dashboards, reports, and data visualizations.

Business Intelligence as a Service (BIaaS)

BI is also available as a subscription-based SaaS solution for companies willing to drastically cut spending on hardware, software, and maintenance. You get a BI system tailored to your needs and utilize its business intelligence and analytics services without managing infrastructure and tackling bugs.

Business Intelligence (BI) Infrastructure Services

Behind each business intelligence (BI) product is a whole ecosystem in charge of different chunks of work, from data extraction to processing to governance. Our business intelligence services cover both full-fledged BI projects and separate infrastructural tasks.

  • Data Warehousing and ETL Services
    Consolidating and processing your data in an enterprise data warehouse is one of the core procedures in developing business intelligence software solutions. We'll assist in choosing the deployment type (on-premises or cloud-based), preparing ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipelines, organizing data marts, and setting up OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) tools.
  • Data Migration and Data Integration
    We organize stable data transfers between your corporate platforms or into new data warehouses, lakes, systems, or databases. We ensure seamless data integration regardless of the number of sources it comes from and initial data formats so that your BI tools can perform at maximum capacity.
  • Data Management & Security
    We'll use best quality management practices to keep your big data clean and aggregated correctly. It guarantees stakeholders can rely on reports, models, and forecasts in decision-making. We'll establish data governance standards to ensure data is protected from breaches and other suspicious activities.
  • Mobile BI
    With BI analytics services accessible from smartphones, you can further expedite making day-to-day business decisions. We'll create a handy mobile interface to make data, tools, and reports available to the company employees wherever they are and whatever device they use.

Behind each business intelligence (BI) product is a whole ecosystem in charge of different chunks of work, from data extraction to processing to governance. Our business intelligence services cover both full-fledged BI projects and separate infrastructural tasks.

Data Warehousing and ETL Services

Consolidating and processing your data in an enterprise data warehouse is one of the core procedures in developing business intelligence software solutions. We'll assist in choosing the deployment type (on-premises or cloud-based), preparing ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipelines, organizing data marts, and setting up OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) tools.

Data Migration and Data Integration

We organize stable data transfers between your corporate platforms or into new data warehouses, lakes, systems, or databases. We ensure seamless data integration regardless of the number of sources it comes from and initial data formats so that your BI tools can perform at maximum capacity.

Data Management & Security

We'll use best quality management practices to keep your big data clean and aggregated correctly. It guarantees stakeholders can rely on reports, models, and forecasts in decision-making. We'll establish data governance standards to ensure data is protected from breaches and other suspicious activities.

Mobile BI

With BI analytics services accessible from smartphones, you can further expedite making day-to-day business decisions. We'll create a handy mobile interface to make data, tools, and reports available to the company employees wherever they are and whatever device they use.

Business Intelligence Deployment Options

When you turn to Onilab for BI services, we configure the best implementation scenario addressing your business needs. These are the three most popular paths to follow, but various hybrid solutions are also possible.

Custom-made BI Solution

Custom business intelligence solutions might be the optimal choice for larger companies with sizable and complex business analytics tasks. In this case, we're able to design the BI system to fit all the peculiarities of your operations and the volume of calculations.

Third-party Solutions

Popular business intelligence services like Sap BI, Oracle BI, Microsoft BI, Power BI, etc., are suitable for most organizations, provided they don't skip the customization step. We enhance a third-party BI product by adding components and integrations to get better BI and BA outcomes.

BI Components

We can expand the possibilities of your BI product by adding BI functionality to other business apps across departments. With analytics, reporting, and visualization features at hand, teams make smart data-informed decisions quicker, and business performance grows accordingly.

Technology Stack for BI Implementation

The BI market is getting increasingly saturated with BI platforms and infrastructural solutions, and picking the right tools may seem challenging. But not for us. We have experience with most of these software products and will create a configuration ticking all boxes for your project.

Microsoft Power BI
Microsoft Power BI
Qlik Sense
Qlik Sense
Oracle Business Intelligence
Oracle Business Intelligence
Google Data Studio
Google Data Studio

Business Intelligence Consulting & Development: the Process

From the first meetings to finally deploying the system, here is how we work on BI projects.

  1. Project Discussion

    During initial meetings with stakeholders, we identify business goals and challenges to address with our BI solutions.

  2. Research

    We get to explore the current data processing, data structure, and the tech stack in place.

  3. Planning

    We decide on the needed components, from data warehouses to visualization solutions, and define the work scope with milestones.

  4. Architecture Creation

    We think through all data-related processes (ETL, data quality management, data modeling, security, etc.) to design a new or enhanced BI ecosystem.

  5. Tech Stack Selection

    We pick up an out-of-the-box BI product or components for a custom-made one and select auxiliary technologies to create our configuration.

  6. Development

    Our software engineers and data scientists develop the business intelligence system for full-cycle data processing.

  7. Testing

    The QA team tests all the processes and usability of the solution to ensure everything runs smoothly and all bugs/bottlenecks are fixed.

  8. Deployment

    The implementation goes live, and our team monitors the performance and quality of the produced results.

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Ready to collaborate with a business intelligence services company?

Industries We Work With

Each and any organization can benefit from business intelligence services. We work with companies representing these and many other industries.

E-commerce & Retail

E-commerce & Retail



Finance & Banking

Finance & Banking







Logistics & Transportation

Logistics & Transportation

Construction & Real Estate

Construction & Real Estate

Media & Entertainment

Media & Entertainment

Why Choose BI Services by Onilab?

Entrusting a third-party agency to tidy up your data is a major business decision requiring careful consideration. So, why collaborate with our team over dozens of others?

You won't encounter:

  • Developers and data analysts lacking knowledge, skills, and experience;
  • Teams without an understanding of different markets and data-related laws;
  • Standard solutions for each and every client;
  • Misunderstanding and missed deadlines.

You'll get:

  • An inquisitive and creative team with robust knowledge in web dev, data science, and machine learning;
  • Pros working with international clients (the US, UK, EU, Australia);
  • Customized BI solutions tailored for each individual use case;
  • Meticulous planning, transparency, and timely releases.

Contact us to evaluate your project goals, duration, and budget.


Related Case Studies

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FAQ on Business Intelligence Services

What are the three types of BI?

The first is descriptive analytics, focusing on aggregating and summing up historical data to highlight certain tendencies. The second is predictive analytics, using the same data to project possible future outcomes or trends. The third is prescriptive analytics, suggesting concrete actions based on data and predictions.

What is the difference between BI and BA?

Business intelligence is focused primarily on descriptive analysis, while business analytics deals with predictive and prescriptive analysis. However, when speaking about BI systems, we usually mean implementing both components.

What are business intelligence services?

BI services are meant to create, choose, or customize a BI tool/system to consolidate an org's data, safely store it, monitor trends and KPIs, create meaningful reports as well as make accurate forecasts.

Do I need a BI system?

Such a system puts all your data in order and improves decision-making at all levels, from managers to executives. So, all businesses and non-profits will take advantage of having some kind of BI tool.

Should I go for a ready-made or custom BI platform?

For SMBs, we suggest opting for an out-of-the-box product, as its capabilities should be sufficient for their use cases, given that professionals assist in selecting and configuring the tool. For enterprises, we advise deep customization or building a BI solution from the ground up so that it meets all requirements and can address specific business tasks.