Magento Site Audit Services

Magento Site Audit Services

Magento Site Audit Services

A Magento site audit service is a must-do for boosting your website or app performance and skyrocketing your business. Let Onilab experts conduct an assessment and deliver your recommendations.

Why Do You Need Magento Audit?

For a decade, we've been developing and optimizing Magento stores. And we know each Magento site sooner or later reaches the point where a site audit becomes a must-do. Here are some of the most common reasons why.

  • The store is slow

    Magento as a platform is pretty complex; its high customization potential is a double-edged sword, often leading to loading speed issues. And it's a serious roadblock for site visitors: nobody wants to stumble on sluggish pages while browsing eCommerce websites. Magento technical audit services help determine the root causes of the issue and plan fixes.

  • The sales are stagnating or deteriorating

    Typically, it points at issues somewhere in the sales funnel: people don't complete purchases and don't come back. In this case, we highly recommend undergoing at least performance and UX/UI audits; most likely, the reasons are there.

  • The business is scaling

    When you're about to conquer new markets, drastically expand the catalog, or enhance the website with newer technologies, it makes sense to conduct a code audit, security tests, or even a full "checkup". Apart from assessing a current site condition, we'll give professional advice about the further evolvement of your particular Magento store.

Onilab's Magento Site Audit Services

So if you're worried about website performance and sales, a Magento site audit is a smart first step towards resolving the issues and boosting the major KPIs.

  • Magento Code Audit
    Sub-par code quality is a typical issue for large, highly customized Magento stores. If there were several dev teams working on the project at different stages, the situation only aggravates. Website speed slows down, the system gets bug-prone, and problems with new integrations/module versions compatibility may occur. During the code review, we detect all those weak spots and prepare a comprehensive report with suggestions. Surely, after the Magento code audit, we can fix troublesome chunks as well: get rid of excessive requests, and rewrite code in an optimal manner.
  • Magento Speed & Performance Audit
    If your store's PageSpeed Insights score is in the orange or red zone, it hurts your SERP position, the UX, and, eventually, conversions. There might be multiple reasons behind this problem, ranging from unoptimized code and media files to a hosting solution not fitting the store size and traffic. The technical audit helps to highlight the obstacles and suggest ways to boost Magento store performance for the desktop and mobile versions.
  • Magento Security Audit
    Customer data protection is a top priority for every online store. To ensure it, especially in Magento 1 stores (not getting security patches anymore), a thorough security audit is a must. We'll check the site code, all third-party extensions, and server setup for vulnerabilities as well as test the system's ability to withstand malicious activities. We'll also offer additional measures to prevent various security breaches and leaks.
  • Magento SEO Audit
    Increasing organic traffic is always on the agenda for online stores as it guarantees growing sales. Being specialized in Magento 2 and M1 development and optimization, we investigate each aspect affecting your position in search engines: content, keywords, unindexable elements, link-building strategy, GA settings, and more. Then we deliver a report on how to improve the website SEO-wise and gain tangible results.
  • Magento UX/UI Audit
    A pleasant user experience is what raises the odds of gaining more customers, especially regular ones. But it can be tricky to achieve a decent level of UX even on the latest Magento 2.x site. Its default templates can't boast flawless UX on desktops, let alone on smartphones. Our Magento UX/UI audit service helps to detect points where the customer journeys disrupt most often, understand what's wrong with those pages, and outline the needed design changes. We go page by page, leaving no questionable aspect or element without a proper idea of how to improve the customer experience.
  • Magento Analytics Audit
    Google Analytics and other similar tools are a source of precious info about your prospects and customers: how they behave on different pages, where they get confused or discontent and bounce, which products they like and dislike the most, and so forth. Magento analytics audit aids in configuring your GA (or other solutions) in the most efficient way, setting more accurate KPIs, and creating insightful reports to make deliberate, data-informed business decisions.
  • Magento Extensions Audit
    Sometimes there are third-party modules that adversely affect Magento store performance because of bad code quality, compatibility issues, outdated versions, etc. After the Magento extensions audit, you'll know what to tweak, get rid of, or replace and can hire dedicated Magento devs right away to make fixes.
  • Comprehensive Magento Audit
    This examination includes all the aforementioned audits to get an overarching view of your Magento 2/1 store: its code quality, loading speed, UX/UI design, security, third-party add-ons, SEO, and analytics. A final report will show the major problems worth tackling and prompt effective measures to level up the website's performance.
  • Hire Magento Developers
    Known for its versatility, Magento is also among the most challenging eCommerce platforms that call for the services of experienced developers. We’re a team of responsive professionals eager to help you with various development, customization, and optimization tasks. Our specialists have worked on store projects of various sizes, so whether you need to remove glitches or add another payment method to go global, we’re here to help.

So if you're worried about website performance and sales, a Magento site audit is a smart first step towards resolving the issues and boosting the major KPIs.

Magento Code Audit

Sub-par code quality is a typical issue for large, highly customized Magento stores. If there were several dev teams working on the project at different stages, the situation only aggravates. Website speed slows down, the system gets bug-prone, and problems with new integrations/module versions compatibility may occur. During the code review, we detect all those weak spots and prepare a comprehensive report with suggestions. Surely, after the Magento code audit, we can fix troublesome chunks as well: get rid of excessive requests, and rewrite code in an optimal manner.

Magento Speed & Performance Audit

If your store's PageSpeed Insights score is in the orange or red zone, it hurts your SERP position, the UX, and, eventually, conversions. There might be multiple reasons behind this problem, ranging from unoptimized code and media files to a hosting solution not fitting the store size and traffic. The technical audit helps to highlight the obstacles and suggest ways to boost Magento store performance for the desktop and mobile versions.
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Magento Security Audit

Customer data protection is a top priority for every online store. To ensure it, especially in Magento 1 stores (not getting security patches anymore), a thorough security audit is a must. We'll check the site code, all third-party extensions, and server setup for vulnerabilities as well as test the system's ability to withstand malicious activities. We'll also offer additional measures to prevent various security breaches and leaks.
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Magento SEO Audit

Increasing organic traffic is always on the agenda for online stores as it guarantees growing sales. Being specialized in Magento 2 and M1 development and optimization, we investigate each aspect affecting your position in search engines: content, keywords, unindexable elements, link-building strategy, GA settings, and more. Then we deliver a report on how to improve the website SEO-wise and gain tangible results.
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Magento UX/UI Audit

A pleasant user experience is what raises the odds of gaining more customers, especially regular ones. But it can be tricky to achieve a decent level of UX even on the latest Magento 2.x site. Its default templates can't boast flawless UX on desktops, let alone on smartphones. Our Magento UX/UI audit service helps to detect points where the customer journeys disrupt most often, understand what's wrong with those pages, and outline the needed design changes. We go page by page, leaving no questionable aspect or element without a proper idea of how to improve the customer experience.
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Magento Analytics Audit

Google Analytics and other similar tools are a source of precious info about your prospects and customers: how they behave on different pages, where they get confused or discontent and bounce, which products they like and dislike the most, and so forth. Magento analytics audit aids in configuring your GA (or other solutions) in the most efficient way, setting more accurate KPIs, and creating insightful reports to make deliberate, data-informed business decisions.
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Magento Extensions Audit

Sometimes there are third-party modules that adversely affect Magento store performance because of bad code quality, compatibility issues, outdated versions, etc. After the Magento extensions audit, you'll know what to tweak, get rid of, or replace and can hire dedicated Magento devs right away to make fixes.

Comprehensive Magento Audit

This examination includes all the aforementioned audits to get an overarching view of your Magento 2/1 store: its code quality, loading speed, UX/UI design, security, third-party add-ons, SEO, and analytics. A final report will show the major problems worth tackling and prompt effective measures to level up the website's performance.

Hire Magento Developers

Known for its versatility, Magento is also among the most challenging eCommerce platforms that call for the services of experienced developers. We’re a team of responsive professionals eager to help you with various development, customization, and optimization tasks. Our specialists have worked on store projects of various sizes, so whether you need to remove glitches or add another payment method to go global, we’re here to help.
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The Benefits Technical Magento Audit Brings Your Business

Such research largely determines the impact of any subsequent step, be it performance optimization, redesign, or rebuilding a store's architecture.

  • Knowing your store's strengths and weaknesses Technical audits help to precisely target areas for improvement
  • Making right decisions Having a holistic picture, you can adjust the business development and risk management strategies
  • Improving the key metrics Measures and solutions we offer aimed at increasing the conversion and customer lifetime value rates
  • Boosting the bottom line Our recommendations, based on vast experience in Magento development, ensure an increase in the store's revenue
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Magento Technical Audit Services: the Process

In most cases, the technical, SEO, or UX/UI assessment comprises four main stages. Let's see how our team runs the checkups to evaluate the overall health of eCommerce sites.

  1. Defining the work scope

    We meet and discuss the request, concerns, and goals. Then we reach back to you with an audit plan and all the details like the duration and price.

  2. Investigating the store

    Our specialists conduct a code review, security testing, SEO tasks, UX/UI research, or all of the above and find bottlenecks.

  3. Suggesting improvements

    Apart from just detecting your store's drawbacks, we come up with hypotheses on what are the reasons behind and how to eliminate these issues.

  4. Reporting

    Finally, we compile a detailed report: describe the problems, their effects on your KPIs, ways to fix the issues, and a forecast on the store's metrics after implementing suggested changes.

Why Onilab Is Your Choice for an E-commerce Website Audit?

Our team has been providing E-commerce audit services for more than a decade and gained the trust of clients from North America, the European Union, and Australia. When you order Magento 2 technical audit from us, it means...

No more:

  • Agencies with little Magento expertise
  • Lack of in-house professionals
  • Superficial store analysis
  • Generic advice
  • Deadline shifts and broken promises

Instead, you get:

  • Magento-certified agency
  • Full-fledged team with all needed experts at hand
  • Profound and data-oriented store evaluation
  • Business-focused and practical suggestions
  • Sticking to the initial agreements

Magento website audit by Onilab is all about delivering quality analysis and advice that is adequate for your online store's needs


Our Magento Case Studies

Often the clients who turn to us for the tech audit then order actual development, design, and optimization. See some examples of such cooperation.

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Magento Store Audit FAQ

What is a Magento audit, and why does my online store need it?

It's a process of analyzing the Magento platform on the whole or its individual parts. Our development team seeks bugs in the Magento core, vets the Magento database, assesses the UX design, SEO settings, etc. An E-commerce site audit helps determine store vulnerabilities and find a solution to each issue hurting website performance.

What types of issues can a Magento audit help identify?

Depending on the Magento performance audit type, we can find mistakes in the code, security flaws, unreliable extensions, outdated modules, UX/UI drawbacks on each page, and more. Whether you run the latest version of Magento or the M1 store, we'll help you.

Will a Magento audit help improve my website's performance and speed?

The E-commerce audits themselves don't resolve technical challenges, protect stores, or secure higher conversions. This in-depth analysis helps to understand which parts of your Adobe Commerce store require attention, lowering the risk of unwise investment. You can only understand how to allocate money for optimization or development after a Magento 2 audit.

How long does a Magento audit take to complete?

Different Magento audits vary in duration, plus the overall work scope may differ. And much depends on the store size, Magento version, and existing customizations in the project. An exhaustive Magento 2 site audit may take up to 2-3 weeks.